Lucy and her Lungworms

At 16 weeks old, Lucy was a happy and healthy playful little kitten. At 17 weeks old, Lucy was no longer happy or healthy. Lucy visited the Veterinary Centre after developing a nasty cough and becoming very lethargic. When the vet saw her, Lucy had very loud, rattly lungs and was breathing faster than normal. Lucy was hospitalised for a few days and received intensive treatment for lungworms. Within a few days she was improving and within a week Lucy was back to her energetic mischievous self.

Lungworm is most commonly seen in kittens and can be seen in older or immunocompromised cats as well. Cats become infected when they eat rodents, birds, lizards, slugs, and snails. The worms travel from the intestines to the lungs where they can cause severe disease and can sometimes even be fatal.

Not all worm treatments are effective against lungworm! With lots of Tiny Tigers going out into the world it is very important to stay on top of parasite control and while they are still young, making sure you are treating for lungworm is essential.

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