Late Summer and Autumn Jobs
/Ram palpations and lameness treatments
Palpation helps ram culling decisions and reduces spread of disease. Options are;
Breeding soundness exam – palpation of rams testicles and assessing presence of lameness/scrotal mange
Brucella ovis accreditation – ram palpations and appropriate blood sampling
Lameness is the most common cause of ram wastage.
Lame rams can be treated with antibiotics such as Tenaline when identified.
Tilmovet remains the most effective treatment for footrot. This can be booked in alongside ram palpations.
Drench Checks
Worm burdens start to climb in lambs during the Autumn, and lamb performance also comes under close scrutiny.
Autumn is the best time of year to do a drench performance test - the cost effective “do it yourself” method of assessing drench efficacy on your farm.
If the drench performance test doesn’t suit, at least take 10 samples 10 days after drenching at some stage this Autumn, to make sure your drench is effective.
Incorporating novel drenches (Startect and Zolvix) in appropriate cases during the Autumn can deliver big gains in terms of lamb performance. Chat over your drench policies this Autumn with one of our vets.
RVM (Restricted Veterinary Medicine) Consults and Animal Health Planning
RVM consults are sit down conversations with a veterinarian, where the veterinary medicines you require for the year are prescribed. They are required for ZQ accredited farms, and there is an increasing number of requests from red meat farms for NZFAP audits.
Autumn is a great time to do these, when pre-lamb treatments and lamb performance is fresh in the mind. It can also be a good time to review treatment/vaccine decisions pre-tup.
These could be successfully tied in with discussion from a drench performance test and quarantine/drenching plans.