Quick Response Saves Hank

Hank, the hard working Huntaway, came into our Veterinary Centre Oamaru clinic after his owner noticed he had drunk a small amount of sheep footbath. He had rapidly become unwell, was vomiting and very depressed. The footbath contained a highly concentrated zinc solution and it was calculated that only 50mls was a lethal dose for Hank. Zinc damages the red blood cells causing anaemia, as well as damaging the kidneys. Our blue cross veterinary team acted quickly giving Hank high volumes of intravenous fluids and medications to stop any more zinc from being absorbed from his gut. He responded to treatment very well, and although he stayed at our Oamaru veterinary hospital for nearly a week for blood tests to monitor his anaemia.

Hank has now returned home to do the work he loves on the farm. If you ever suspect your animal friend has eaten or drunk something toxic, contact us straight away for advice, as Hank’s owner did. The faster we treat any toxicities, the better chance they have of recovering.