Preventing Twisted Stomachs with Prophylactic Gastropexy
/Unfortunately, twisted stomachs (GDV) are a common cause of loss of working dogs. Large breed dogs, with deep chests, especially Huntaways are much more prone to the condition than Heading Dogs and some lines of Huntaways are more at risk than others.
Warning signs a dog is developing a twisted stomach are: discomfort, panting, bloating, and reluctance to work. Sadly, many dogs develop twisted stomachs overnight and are found dead in their kennels in the morning.
Dogs with a twisted stomach require emergency surgery to untwist the stomach and ‘fix’ it back in the correct location to prevent re-occurrence.
What many people may not know is that there is a preventative solution available.
A gastropexy is a surgery where the stomach is permanently secured to the inside of the abdominal wall. After a gastropexy, a dilation of the stomach can still occur, but the life-threatening twist cannot. The surgery can be combined with de-sexing. Recovery involves 3-4 days of strict rest followed by 2 week of gentle exercise. After surgery, there may be a short period of belching as the stomach adapts to its new position but otherwise complications are uncommon.
Please ask about prophylactic gastropexy if you have an at-risk dog. In the right hands, this is a straight forward procedure that may save your dog’s life.