Sedation and Metacam for Calves at Debudding
/A large NZ trial published last year looked at the benefit of sedation and Metacam (pain relief) on calves at debudding. The results showed:
Calves that were give Metacam and sedated along with local anaesthetic grew significantly more in the 7 days after debudding by 144grams/day compared to calves that were only given local anaesthetic.
Sedation improved all the behavioural signs and the pain sensitivity measured in the 22 hours after debudding.
Metacam improved some of the behavioural signs in calves that were only given local anaesthetic.
The effect of Metacam agrees with a large international study summarising 17 trials which showed NSAIDS (i.e. Metacam) reduces the signs of pain for 6 hours after debudding when used in calves that were given local anaesthetic.
It is worth considering the use of our Vet Centre debudding teams that use sedation and/or Metacam to improve the outcomes of calves at debudding time.
Finally just a reminder that the Animal Welfare laws have changed and all calves must be given an effective local anaesthetic block prior to debudded. To be able to use local anaesthetic you have to go through an accreditation/reaccreditation process with one of our vets. Alternatively you can use our debudding service or a debudder that has a VOI to use local.