Phosphate Supplements for Fodder Beet
/It is a well-established fact that Fodderbeet contains low levels of phosphate, although there is variation between crops depending on existing soil Olsen P levels.
Sustained periods of high FB intakes will lead to Phosphate deficiency and bone depletion. This will exhibit in low DM intakes, metabolic disease around calving, poor early season productions and increase in bone deformities or breaks in younger stock.
We recommend that all cows, heifers and calves that are receiving more than 60% of diet in FB over the winter receive a phosphate supplement.
Fodder Beet Loose Lick Blend
Supplies essential phosphorus requirements plus a balanced Trace Mineral Blend is a highly palatable formulation.
Is a free choice lick
At a 70g daily cow dose the cost is ~11c/cow/day
One bin per 50 cows is spread-out in paddock and topped up every 1-2 days.