A Mating Commentary
/The calving/mating period for the 2019/20 would by many be described as ideal. Yes, feed got a little tight in late October/November, but quality reminded good and we did not have the nightmare rains of last November.
There were plenty of reports of high pre-mating activity. Good cow condition, calving patterns tightened a little as well this year and the incidence of dirty cows/per herd was also back. The average 3 weeks submission rate for our clients however remained at 80% (80% in 18/19 and 78% in 17/18 season). This is still 10% lower than the industry target figure of 90%. To attain an industry target of 78% in-calf for 6 weeks - 90% is crucial.
Pregnancy rates in the first 3 weeks averaged 44% in our practice - which sits lower than the target of 53%. for six weeks the average was 66% (up from 65% last year target 78%).
This season we had 28 farms in the practice achieving a 75% or greater for six weeks. This is a top effort and well done to all those in the honour list below. This group has grown from 18 last season.
Some of the newer tools used by our top farmers this season, were the utilisation of early season OAD milking of colostrum cows and better metabolic management through the use of calcium supplements and strategic feeding. This helps minimise condition loss and promote egg quality.
In-shed heat detection systems are increasing and have in the past proved reliable tools for those doing extended AI - providing they are properly maintained. We do find regular issues with tail paint only systems in extended AI/no bull herds where pregnant cows are often repeat mated. This increases the risk of pregnancy loss.
It is a little too early to give final not in-calf rate data.