Pink Eye
/Whilst Pinkeye can be tricky to see, it can certainly become an eyesore if left to brew away! Pink eye is caused by bacteria (Moraxella bovis). It becomes a pesky problem heading into the summer months as wind, heat, dust, flies and long grass can weaken the natural defences of the eye and cause an infection.
Pink eye is incredibly contagious and can rapidly move through a mob so it pays to get on top of it quickly. Signs of pink eye begin with weepy, clear discharge and squinting which then can progress to discoloured/ white eyes which can develop deep ulcers. If left untreated, it is very painful and uncomfortable. It can lead to nasty ulcers, blindness and reduced growth rates, as well as it being a significant welfare issue. Lesions quickly worsen for an animal and eye damage can be irreversible (partial or complete blindness).
Treatment of pink eye is either with Orbenin eye ointment OR injectable tetracyclines (Engemycin or Bivatop). If you are having particularly bad problems this year or it is becoming an annual problem then come talk to us to see what management factors may be of help. A single dose of Piliguard vaccine given 3-6 weeks before the risk period will significantly reduce the risk of an outbreak.