Winter Dairy Seminar

Well known Waikato based dairy consultant, Dr Sue Macky, will be our guest speaker. Sue Macky is a veterinarian who has worked worldwide with high performing dairy farmers. Sue has spent a total of nearly 10 years living and working in the US, UK and Europe. Sue has particular expertise in the management of high producing dairy cows, the adaptations of the principles of Total Mixed Rations (T.M.R) to pasture based systems, dairy genetics, and the comfort, health and welfare of modern dairy cows.

Topics covered:

1. Transition management – how best to set up and manage cows (with reference to cows winter FB) in the springer/early lactation period to:

• Minimise milk fever – with reference to macro mineral supplement regimes

• Potentiate immune function and reduce disease (mastitis and metritis)

• Reduce the risk of ketosis and minimise condition loss post calving – the role of OAD milking of colostrums and monensin

• Increase cow appetite post-calving to drive early season production

• Enhance oocyte (egg) quality in ovaries and promote earlier resumption of oestrus – thereby increasing herd fertility

2. Factors important in manipulating the Fat

Evaluation Index - with reference to cow status, dietary composition and energy status.


Dates and Times

2.30 pm Tuesday 12th June at Papakaio Community Centre, Papakaio

7 pm Tuesday 12th June at Veterinary Centre Waimate, 128 High St, Waimate (new clinic)