Second In Charge Kitty

This month I'm introducing my 2ICK (Second In Charge Kitty) Gavin.  Gavin currently resides at my Waimate branch doing all the same jobs that I do in my Oamaru clinic as well as overseeing the building of the new clinic.

Gavin was found by one of our Waimate clients on a rainy day in a gutter, barely a few days old.  Her eyes hadn't even opened.  One of the kind girls in our Waimate branch took her in and hand reared her, even getting up at all hours of the night for feeding!  Once Gavin was older the Waimate staff couldn't bear to part with her so she has stayed with them since, entertaining everyone with new found tricks and charming the customers with her cheeky ways (as I write this she is currently sitting in a shopping bag trying to sneak off with a client).

Head over to our Facebook page (Veterinary Centre - By the Big Blue Cross) to see Gavin in action, training the staff on how to play fetch.  I personally am not so convinced about this fetch business, it's more for those canine critters if you ask me, but she is pretty good at it I must say.  What do you think?

........... Cotton

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