Spring & Summer - the time of increased itchiness in dogs

Spring and summer mark a time of increased itchiness in dogs. Not only does the flea population explode, so does the pollen count which can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive dogs.

Pollen allergies tend to manifest as itchy skin and is known as atopy. Atopic reactions can be caused by allergens like grasses, dust mites, moulds, storage mites and even the dog’s own yeast.

The typical signs are itching/scratching/licking/rubbing/ chewing one or more of the following areas: feet, groin, under the tail, axillas (armpits), neck, ears, and face.

Because these are allergic reactions, we can’t cure the disease, only manage it.

When we don’t know what the animal is allergic to, the traditional treatment is with steroids, which dampen down the immune response but can have potential side effects.

Apoquel is a daily anti-itch tablet that doesn’t have the side effects that steroids can have, or Cytopoint, an anti-itch injection given monthly.

If you’re pet is suffering from seasonal itchiness then bring them in to see us at the Veterinary Centre by the Big Blue Cross for a veterinary consultation.