Arthritis in Cats and Dogs

This issue has a focus on aches and pains in our companion animals. It is important to know that signs of arthritis and pain can be subtle, especially in cats who mask pain as a defensive tactic. Owners often notice changes in their pets such as a new limp, not wanting to jump into the car or in cats, not jumping up to old favourite spots, and they put it down to old age. In most cases these are the first signs of degenerative change and indicate PAIN.

The management of pain in both human and veterinary medicine has changed significantly over the past 10 years. Focus has gone from using a single ‘silver bullet’ to multimodal therapy. What this means is that different medicines that work via different mechanisms are used together to maximise pain relief. In addition, there are natural supplements, diets and environmental modifications that can support the aging pet to try and slow or ease the effects of arthritis. Therefore, relieving pain for our older pets requires an evolving plan that will support changes in the mobility and pain as they age. The team at The Veterinary Centre are here to partner with you to achieve the most comfort for your pet as they age, so come in to see us if you have any concerns.