Bog Roy Field Day
/Visitors had a go entering BCS data into the EID wand at Bog Roy
The recent field day at Bog Roy demonstrated how the right mindset, EID technology, forage management, good stockmanship and production scientist input can really drive your sheep business forward.
It was testament to the benefits of efficiently collecting and utilising data to take a dry-land property to another level. It was certainly a refreshing message, emphasizing that positivity and innovation can enable sustained profitability for sheep breeders. The New Zealand Merino Company has invested heavily in ways to identify and breed more productive sheep. Their production scientist Mark Ferguson gave an update on work they are doing with Dave and Lisa Anderson’s flock at Bog Roy, and with Richard and Annabel Subtil’s Omarama Station flock.
A starting point is a monitoring program for replacement hoggets and capital stock. This can return huge benefits for your sheep breeding unit. I can recommend setting aside some time this January to discuss your production goals and animal health with our sheep and beef veterinary team. Let’s see where you can lift your ewe flock performance.